The Red Centre Tae Kwon Do Club is affiliated with the World Tae Kwon Do (WTKD) Association which is headed by Grandmaster Duk Sung Son, 9th degree black belt. Click here to visit the Official WTKD Home Page.

World Tae Kwon Do Calendar of Events


The Red Centre Tae Kwon Do Club was originally founded by Rod Preble in 1987 and was then and is currently operated as a non-profit organization. Rod Preble departed Alice Springs in 1995. John Hession and Carol Hession assumed Red Centre TKD Club responsibilities upon Rod's departure. John and Carol made significant contributions to the success of our club. The Hession's departed Alice Springs in February 1999.

Jay Gouger and David Nakagawa assumed Red Centre Tae Kwon Do Instruction and club responsibilities upon the Hession's departure. David Nakagawa assumed full club responsibility beginning in 2002, and was the head instructor until March 2009. Geoff Stagg (3rd Dan) and Fergus McGauchie (2nd Dan) assumed head instruction and club management respectively upon David's departure. Geoff and Fergus bring over 20 years of combined Tae Kwon Do experience to the club. Our club is open to anyone who wants to participate in a vigorous cardiovascular workout while learning the art of Tae Kwon Do. Our club also encourages martial artists from around the world to attend our class and exchange new ideas and techniques.

The goal of Tae Kwon Do training in the WTKD association is the full development of an individual's physical potential. Concentration in the study of blocks, kicks and punches designed to develop skill in the Korean art of self-defence. Although the unification of mind, body, and spirit is central to any martial art, the emphasis of the WTKD Association is the mastery of Tae Kwon Do through vigorous physical training.


(Listed by Dan)

Geoff Stagg (3rd Dan) - Head Instructor

Fergus McGauchie (2nd Dan) - Club Manager

Sean Broughton-Wright (2nd Dan)

Lloyd James (1st Dan)

Paul Montefiore (1st Dan)  




The Red Centre TKD Club practices three times a week at the Alice Springs Youth Centre (bh. 8952-1649) in Alice Springs, Australia. For detailed club information contact Geoff Stagg at 8952-5219 or Fergus McGauchie 0407984129.

M, W, F

5:15PM to 7:15PM

The Red Centre TKD Club Rules Page

A sample of class Warm-ups and Basics by Jay Gouger

Class Forms by Jay Gouger

Our Club Photos Page

Links to Affiliated World Tae Kwon Do Pages

Send Comments and Suggestions to


The contents of this page were contributed by several members of the Red Centre Tae Kwon Do club. Overall page layout, design, and maintenance by David Nakagawa. Club rules were provided by John and Carol Hession. The Warm-ups, Basics, and Forms pages were prepared by Jay Gouger.


Last Update: May-2009